교통 학교 코스는 여러가지 언어로 제공됩니다!
GoToTrafficSchool.com은 많은 고객들에게 있어서 영어가 첫째 언어가 아니라는것을 잘 알고 있습니다. 이것은 또한 저희가 코스를 스페인어,중국어,베트남어와 한국어로 제공해드리는 이유이기도 합니다. 러시아어, 페르시아어와 타갈로그어 코스는 지금 개발 중 입니다. GoToTrafficSchool.com은 우수한 운전자 안전 훈련을 외국어를 사용하는 모든 고객들에게 제공해드릴것을 약속합니다.
아래 코스가 귀하의 지역에서 수강 가능한지 확인해보세요.
대부분 주에서 수강 가능합니다:
Available in Los Angeles County Only:
Spanish Home Workbook course: This course is not timed.
The workbook will be mailed to you, along with an exam answer sheet.
You can mail, fax or email the answer sheet to us, or you can take the
final exam online using a password you create during registration.
Once you pass the course, we will notify you by email and we will send
a certificate of completion to the court on your behalf.
Click Here to register for Traffic School Workbook in Spanish.
Chinese Home Workbook course: This course is not timed.
The workbook will be mailed to you along with an exam answer sheet.
You can mail, fax or email the answer sheet to us for grading.
Once you pass the course, we will notify you by email and we will
send a certificate of completion to the court on your behalf.
Click Here to register for Traffic School Workbook in Chinese.
Korean Home Workbook course: This course is not timed.
The workbook will be mailed to you along with an exam answer sheet.
You can mail, fax or email the answer sheet to us for grading.
Once you pass the course, we will notify you by email and we will send
a certificate of completion to the court on your behalf.
Click Here to register for Traffic School Workbook in Korean.
Click Here to register for Traffic School Online Course in Korean.
Vietnamese Home Workbook course: This course is not timed. The workbook will
be mailed to you along with an exam answer sheet. You can mail, fax or email the
answer sheet to us for grading. Once you pass the course, we will notify you by email
and we will send a certificate of completion to the court on your behalf.
Click Here to register for Traffic School Workbook in Vietnamese.